Looking for work opportunities.
I can’t believe it is already past the middle of the year, the stock markets are on highs, the dollar seems to be doing alright and everything in the world seems fine.
Christmas and Seasonal work opportunities.
There is a huge shortage of skilled labor in the United States at this time from Chefs to Taxi drivers and also many work opportunities to work online and from home, but be aware of many scams and unethical people offering low paid work from home schemes.
I will cover some of ideas in my next post once I have completed the research.
Youth Jobs Situation
A few other facts to consider if you are in the job market at this time is the American youth market between April to July and in ages 16 to 24 years all start looking for summer jobs, and of course the Graduates are active looking for full time employment.
There was an increase this year of 1.2% from 50.7% to 51.9% which equated to 2.1 million youths employed. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
There were still 3.4 million youths unemployed in July.

By: Stephen Day
We therefore need to get our acts together and think about the next few weeks and what work opportunities there may be on the lead up to Christmas and exactly what skills I have that I could employ to seek out suitable employment that will fit in with my routine and in addition help me earn some extra cash.
It doesn’t take a lot of effort or motivation to get looking for new work opportunities, you just have to get yourself motivated, get up and get going.
Please look back into our website next time when we have more information on working from home.